Sadly I've already had tinnitus for 8 years, 5 years before covid ever came around. Even more sadly is that it was caused by a temporary medication in which the doctors didn't warn me this could be one of the side effects.
There's no permanent cure and it can be so isolating and horrible the first couple of years that it sometimes drives people insane or towards suicide. Thankfully I got used to mine, but still it's not something I would wish on anyone, ever. It's literally the sound of your ear drum cells and nerve endings dying.
Sadly I've already had tinnitus for 8 years, 5 years before covid ever came around. Even more sadly is that it was caused by a temporary medication in which the doctors didn't warn me this could be one of the side effects.
There's no permanent cure and it can be so isolating and horrible the first couple of years that it sometimes drives people insane or towards suicide. Thankfully I got used to mine, but still it's not something I would wish on anyone, ever. It's literally the sound of your ear drum cells and nerve endings dying.