if I was running a long game plan to unfuck the planet from satans cabal id probably choose 66 of something and 6 just to rub their stupid faggot symbolism right back in their faces.
Exactly. Whitehats appear to be doing this with death dates as well. If they capture someone that they subsequently execute, the public "death date" appears to be the date of that person's biggest crime or some other meaningful date that sends the message to other cabal players what happened, so they know.
if I was running a long game plan to unfuck the planet from satans cabal id probably choose 66 of something and 6 just to rub their stupid faggot symbolism right back in their faces.
Exactly. Whitehats appear to be doing this with death dates as well. If they capture someone that they subsequently execute, the public "death date" appears to be the date of that person's biggest crime or some other meaningful date that sends the message to other cabal players what happened, so they know.