...like that time when a news broadcast on Australia's national public television ne-marxist propaganda broadcaster, ABC, was glitched <interrupted> by a clip showing some people performing a satanic worship ritual. Happened a few yeas back.
Funny thing about the satanic ritual scene is the girl in normie clothes playing the keyboard. Makes me wonder if she’s a satanist too or just desperate for a gig. If she’s just a hired musician they could’ve had the courtesy to blindfold her for her own safety like they did to Nick Nightingale. I guess we can’t expect much courtesy from satanists who hold their rituals in a high school gym.
oh I watched this.
Ghosts in the machine.
It was pretty darn amazing.
...like that time when a news broadcast on Australia's national public television ne-marxist propaganda broadcaster, ABC, was glitched <interrupted> by a clip showing some people performing a satanic worship ritual. Happened a few yeas back.
Funny thing about the satanic ritual scene is the girl in normie clothes playing the keyboard. Makes me wonder if she’s a satanist too or just desperate for a gig. If she’s just a hired musician they could’ve had the courtesy to blindfold her for her own safety like they did to Nick Nightingale. I guess we can’t expect much courtesy from satanists who hold their rituals in a high school gym.