Please, with Hollyweird you know it'll be trannies leading the resistance against Nazi aliens... or the aliens will be stand-ins (metaphorically) for trannies who are just misunderstood and the simpleton humans need more education to appreciate them.
There needs to be a modern remake of that movie. I heard some people are thinking about it, but don't know if production has started.
You do not touch that movie
Please, with Hollyweird you know it'll be trannies leading the resistance against Nazi aliens... or the aliens will be stand-ins (metaphorically) for trannies who are just misunderstood and the simpleton humans need more education to appreciate them.
I hate this timeline.
Who said anything about Hollyweird? They're not the only ones who make movies.
Uhhh, because it's all about who owns the rights to the IP. So unless you can buy them from Larry Franco, you're stuck with Hollyweird.
Then they can call it something else. FFS, I'm not saying I'm going to do it, just want to see a great classic updated.