exactly. We have marriage ceremonies, dating, ect...that is enough I believe. I'm just glad some of the LGB folks are waking up and distancing themselves from the rest of the Alphabet Mafia and sayin 'hey we ain't into kids because it is evil and wrong and we stand with the majority mostly straight people who believe the same'...
It is a shame that this discussion is even being had. Who adult chose to sleep with is none of my business and none of the government's, but when you go after minors, especially prepubescent minors we have a very big problem. And that is what the Alphabet Mafia is broadcasting day in day out is that they want to make pedo legal. We absolutely must stand our ground and put a stop to it!
exactly. We have marriage ceremonies, dating, ect...that is enough I believe. I'm just glad some of the LGB folks are waking up and distancing themselves from the rest of the Alphabet Mafia and sayin 'hey we ain't into kids because it is evil and wrong and we stand with the majority mostly straight people who believe the same'...
It is a shame that this discussion is even being had. Who adult chose to sleep with is none of my business and none of the government's, but when you go after minors, especially prepubescent minors we have a very big problem. And that is what the Alphabet Mafia is broadcasting day in day out is that they want to make pedo legal. We absolutely must stand our ground and put a stop to it!