But I’ve never heard of anybody, dying, and being dead for an extended amount of time, and then being given permission to come back down to earth.
Most likely because memory gets wiped when you enter a new physical body. That makes sense right? The people youre talking about "died" then returned to their own body. A soul's body could be a skeleton at the point they return.
there is no message of reincarnation in the Bible.
This is a topic ive talked about before but would love to get into it with you. Do you have any passages that distinctly says there is no reincarnation? Because i see a lot of evidence for it, not mandatory reincarnation, but i believe the ability exists. I see no reason why God would create a whole new soul when an existing one wants to continue to help. But what do i know im just a soul occupying a fleshy husk.
I understand your interest in this topic, it’s at age old, idealism. But quite frankly, I can’t imagine anybody wanna coming back to this earth more than once. It makes no sense to me at all whatsoever. But since you asked, here’s your answer.
It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" -Hebrews 9:27
When Jesus was dying on the cross, there were two thieves, hanging next to him. One did not believe, the other did. Jesus said to the believer, today, you will be with me in paradise. He didn’t say today you’ll be with me in paradise, but I’m going to send you back afterwards. Lol!
I can’t imagine anybody wanna coming back to this earth more than once. It makes no sense to me at all whatsoever.
Im sorry you feel that way. I think the Earth is beautiful and so is the life in it. In fact i think its so beautiful that if it was threatened i would feel compelled to protect it. I realize though some people dont care and would rather live their lives as if theyre forced to be here and then be done with it.
He didn’t say today you’ll be with me in paradise, but I’m going to send you back afterwards.
Like i said before, and youre right, it wouldnt make sense for it to be mandatory. Thats why it must be a conscious decision. I will for sure review the scripture you mentioned about it tho.
Look, I know the both of us have a different mindset regarding the world. And that’s OK. All I can do is guide you to God’s word, and you have to make your own decision. I’m not gonna generate you because we have a different belief system. I hope you find what you’re looking for! God bless you and have a great night.
I was just reading through some of my replies, and I came across yours again.
I guess I would ask you this question
If you finally died and made it to heaven, and you were in the presence of the living God… do you really think that you were desire to come back to Earth? Serious question.
Being in the presence of the living God
Returning to a sinful fallen world.
I appreciate you wanting to be part of the Great Awakening-
Thats a very good question. To be honest i wouldnt know until i get there, to have a birds eye perspective on our reality. Maybe ill see the pieces are all in motion and things arent as bad as they seem. Maybe seeing the magnificence of a living God in front of me would compel me to want another chance at representing him in a better way? Not sure. All i know right now is a feeling deep in my heart that tells me i would not want to leave other souls to suffer even if that pain only exists in this 3D existence.
Most likely because memory gets wiped when you enter a new physical body. That makes sense right? The people youre talking about "died" then returned to their own body. A soul's body could be a skeleton at the point they return.
This is a topic ive talked about before but would love to get into it with you. Do you have any passages that distinctly says there is no reincarnation? Because i see a lot of evidence for it, not mandatory reincarnation, but i believe the ability exists. I see no reason why God would create a whole new soul when an existing one wants to continue to help. But what do i know im just a soul occupying a fleshy husk.
If you read through the thread, you will see scriptures that support my thoughts. God bless you and have a great day.
I understand your interest in this topic, it’s at age old, idealism. But quite frankly, I can’t imagine anybody wanna coming back to this earth more than once. It makes no sense to me at all whatsoever. But since you asked, here’s your answer.
It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" -Hebrews 9:27
When Jesus was dying on the cross, there were two thieves, hanging next to him. One did not believe, the other did. Jesus said to the believer, today, you will be with me in paradise. He didn’t say today you’ll be with me in paradise, but I’m going to send you back afterwards. Lol!
Im sorry you feel that way. I think the Earth is beautiful and so is the life in it. In fact i think its so beautiful that if it was threatened i would feel compelled to protect it. I realize though some people dont care and would rather live their lives as if theyre forced to be here and then be done with it.
Like i said before, and youre right, it wouldnt make sense for it to be mandatory. Thats why it must be a conscious decision. I will for sure review the scripture you mentioned about it tho.
Look, I know the both of us have a different mindset regarding the world. And that’s OK. All I can do is guide you to God’s word, and you have to make your own decision. I’m not gonna generate you because we have a different belief system. I hope you find what you’re looking for! God bless you and have a great night.
I was just reading through some of my replies, and I came across yours again.
I guess I would ask you this question
If you finally died and made it to heaven, and you were in the presence of the living God… do you really think that you were desire to come back to Earth? Serious question.
Being in the presence of the living God
Returning to a sinful fallen world.
I appreciate you wanting to be part of the Great Awakening-
Thats a very good question. To be honest i wouldnt know until i get there, to have a birds eye perspective on our reality. Maybe ill see the pieces are all in motion and things arent as bad as they seem. Maybe seeing the magnificence of a living God in front of me would compel me to want another chance at representing him in a better way? Not sure. All i know right now is a feeling deep in my heart that tells me i would not want to leave other souls to suffer even if that pain only exists in this 3D existence.