286 Make a plan to go outside sometime this weekend, frogs. Take care of you! 🐸 (media.greatawakening.win) 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️ posted 1 year ago by catsfive 1 year ago by catsfive +286 / -0 70 comments download share 70 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
it's shocking at first, but in the end, completely valid. We shall shake the stigmas on our right to guns that have been baked into the zeitgiest for decades.
lol, the picture looks like they're prepping for a Red Dawn scenario and the statement sounds like a picnic. They don't match up.
maybe they're just pals on a mountain and don't want to be identified by satellites :p
Okay, I can definitely relate to that.