not too be a pessimist but I went to school for engineering and did environmental remediation such as from contamination in the groundwater from Raytheon. certain contaminants can travel with groundwater from upgradient locations even into/through very deep aquifers.
just be cautious and maybe pay the money to have a full suite of lab analyses performed. CVOCs for example are harmful and can migrate
not sure about PFAs but they probably can too.
there should be public access to "release sites" around you to hopefully confirm there's nothing close enough to be of too much concern.
not too be a pessimist but I went to school for engineering and did environmental remediation such as from contamination in the groundwater from Raytheon. certain contaminants can travel with groundwater from upgradient locations even into/through very deep aquifers.
just be cautious and maybe pay the money to have a full suite of lab analyses performed. CVOCs for example are harmful and can migrate
not sure about PFAs but they probably can too.
there should be public access to "release sites" around you to hopefully confirm there's nothing close enough to be of too much concern.
good luck