These people are so drunk off their own hubris it's truly astounding to behold! Referring to the pic...the Sodomite on the left is a worm of a man (if he even is a man) and probably scared of his own shadow. He talks he's someone in the know, but in reality the faggot is an empty suit and if he were not protected by armed guards 24/7, he would be too scared to even leave his posh, Sodomite love nest!
The fat turd on the right (Schwabby) plays the villain very well and is very outspoken (probably stands before a mirror each morning so he can see himself talk), but again is a pathetic, self-aggrandizing, psychopath. When he's not drinking children's blood or laying in a coffin while other psychopaths urinate in his mouth, Klaus is most likely trying to find goats to molest and rape! These people are truly pathetic wastes of skin!
These people are so drunk off their own hubris it's truly astounding to behold! Referring to the pic...the Sodomite on the left is a worm of a man (if he even is a man) and probably scared of his own shadow. He talks he's someone in the know, but in reality the faggot is an empty suit and if he were not protected by armed guards 24/7, he would be too scared to even leave his posh, Sodomite love nest!
The fat turd on the right (Schwabby) plays the villain very well and is very outspoken (probably stands before a mirror each morning so he can see himself talk), but again is a pathetic, self-aggrandizing, psychopath. When he's not drinking children's blood or laying in a coffin while other psychopaths urinate in his mouth, Klaus is most likely trying to find goats to molest and rape! These people are truly pathetic wastes of skin!