I just randomly received a text from Gov Newsom's team. It outlines a plan to amend the constitution to restrict gun rights. We must work together to stop this. The following will be what the text says verbatim.
Hey Friend, Gavin Newsom here. Writing to let you know California will be taking the first step to amend the United States Constitution on guns.
The 28th Amendment will: raise the minimum age to buy a firearm, mandate universal background checks, institute a reasonable waiting period for gun purchases, and ban civilian purchase of assault weapons.
We need 33 more states to get it done.
That's why I am asking for your help:
Will you sign my petition supporting a Constitutional amendment on gun violence? It's a small and simple act, but will send a powerful message about the size and strength of this effort.
Add your name here: https://act.gavinnewsom.com/go/28th-amendment
Congress has not done enough. The courts prevent Congress and the states from doing what has to be done.
Given that reality, it's up to us -- together -- to act.
The 28th Amendment.
It's time.
Add your name if you agree: https://act.gavinnewsom.com/go/28th-amendment
Thanks. - Gavin Newsom Stop to stop
Good point. Never underestimate the stupidity of demonrats.
I had one (female) tell me that Gruesome is "elegant" - to which I reminded her that he's utterly DESTROYED California, is responsible for the crushing homelessness and degradation of quality of life there for everyone. This is the same gal who once said Michelle Obama had "great style". This was years before I had any inkling of Big Mike, but still I just told her that she MUST be kidding because Ms Obama looks like a large farm animal in poorly-fitted and extremely ugly clothing. Both times that shut up my demonrat friend cold, thank goodness, and she never brought either subject up with me again.
Even to this day, with demonrat friends it's as if we live on different planets.