Don't be fooled by RFK just because he is a anti-vaxxer.
The deep state is using RFK to pull middle of the road conservatives away from the MAGA party. They make him look like a hero coming out against the covid vax, he is a Democrat and has been his whole life.
2000: Robert Kennedy Jr. Endorses Hillary Clinton
2007: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. endorses Clinton
2016: Robert Kennedy, Jr. endorses Hillary Clinton
Read the first paragraph from this Yahoo article.
"President Donald Trump has tarnished the reputation of the U.S. around the world."
If you continue reading from the above article, "For over three decades, Kennedy Jr. served as a chief prosecuting attorney for top environmental groups, including the Sierra Club."
Here is the Influence watch page on the Sierra Club.
Look at the activism of the Sierra Club.
The club has consistently supported transferring Western lands to the Federal government from private ownership.
The club has also closely aligned with the broader liberal ideological movement.
Sierra Club was a co-sponsor of pro-abortion events.
Do you know who funds the Sierra Club?
I am not going to list all of them here but a few are Pfizer, Microsoft, Tides Foundation and United Nations. I highly suggest you go to the link above and look at their funding list, it is a bunch of woke companies that are pushing the communist movement in our country right now.
He is a climate change freak, he is a spoke in the wheel for the cabal.
He has his own environmental agency called Waterkeeper Alliance.
Waterkeeper Alliance, started by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., in 1999, focuses on enforcing environmental laws and preventing pollution, often with aggressive campaigns that have included lawsuits against small farmers.
I think he is part of the effort to destroy our food production. His alliance has sued Smithfield and Perdue Farms. You know the cabal is trying to eliminate our meat production. Remember they want us eating bugs.
In recent years, the alliance has increased its efforts on a climate change agenda. In December 2016, it submitted a petition along with Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic to the Environmental Protection Agency calling for it to end all of its federal contracts with ExxonMobil.
Pushing green energy, eliminating fossil fuels, controlling the American people is the Agenda 2030 plan and RFK is part of the plan. The NWO is pushing most of the things talked about here and RFK is deeply involved.
Great points.
I'm voting Kennedy in the primary. (In MN, I can only vote for the Democrat OR Republican slate of candidates).
My vote will be a NEW democrat vote and against Biden.
I think that RFKJ is the palatable vote against Trump come 2024 general election.
However, along the way, there will be debates. These will help wake the normies since they shine light on the issues.
RFKJ recent stances:
Vaccine concerns - he has been calling for an investigation into the safety of vaccines and children - Trump is now calling for this as well! Both D and R calling for the same thing.
Not a Fauci fan.
He wants to close the border, and bring the troops home.
Gun control. He states it is currently part of our constitution and therefore needs to be upheld, but he is bringing up SSRIs and mass shooting issues - we need to investigate this connection. Sweden (?) has more guns per capita, but does not have any where near the same problems - so it is not the guns, is it the SSRIs? (The "currently" hedge bothered me)
Has stated that Ukraine is not the humanitarian and democracy effort we were led to believe, but is about regime change in Russia - Bindin/administration has admitted as much.
Wants to see free market capitalism used as a way to combat climate change. (I need to see more specifics on this one.)
Abortion. Supports medical freedom. Woman's right to choose up until there is a viable life - his timeline - 3 months into the pregnancy.
He has stated that Trump is a devastating debater comparable to Lincoln.
Will I vote Kennedy over Trump in the general? No.
Do I believe Kennedy will be Trump's vp pick? No.
Can I see Kennedy being in a Trump administration? Yes.
Right now, RFKJ is being dismissed as a Democrat contender by the msm. Why? My guess is because he is actually intelligent and can articulate the issues without notes or a teleprompter and is a serious contender. (Or its a psyop to wake people up). He closes the divide between us.
I do not think that RFKJ will split the MAGA vote. MAGA will not abandon Trump. I think that any "MAGA" votes he peels away will be from voters that werent really sold on Trump to begin with.
Personally, I am not sure about him. He witnessed his uncle and his father being gunned down by essentially the CIA, so I give him a lot of latitude concerning where his political allegiances truly are.
Links forthcoming. EDIT Sources for this are: Epoch times interview
Kennedy24 website
Mike Tyson interview
On trans
Trump debater
On childhood vaccines
EDIT2: Mike Tyson interview is messed up. Found this instead.