Experts ‘Astounded’ After FDA Rejects Request to Add Health Risks to COVID Vaccine Labels
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration had the opportunity to improve COVID-19 vaccine labeling — but according to a team of medical and public health experts, the agency refused to make the changes.
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Excellent article that exposes the true nature of the FDA, CDC, NIH and our government...especially when they refuse to label the known facts ” that would reflect the vaccines’ lack of prevention of transmission or infection and risks pertaining to safety, efficacy and adverse events."
Why interfere with the enemy when it's destroying itself?
That's one way to look at it...but the answer is that most of us have loved ones that have trusted the wrong people. Unfortunately, when people are injured or die it is the everyday people like you and me that are affected...as much as I would love to see it all go down in flames...
Good point. Unfortunately humans don't seem to see the evil right in front of them till bad things happen. Often it takes real bad things. If humanity is going to wake up in mass in a huge way the enemy has to show his true colors. That's what's happening now. There will be and already has been collateral damage. We all weep about that and we pray for the innocent ones that are hurt in this war against abject evil.
My above comment was not meant to sound cavalier. My comment was more to this is yet another instance of the enemy showing his colors. Stand back a watch how the enemy destroys himself.
You didn't sound cavalier...it is a commonly accepted phrase...and you are right that everyone affected by this evil could end up as collateral damage...by their own choice nonetheless...it just doesn't make any difference in the pain that we have all suffered. I have recently been reflecting on how much all this covid crap has changed almost every aspect of my life even though we did not vax and tried to get along with business as usual...
Newton's Third law states..."for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"...how true...
There is a silver lining. Look how many people have been redpilled bc of the covid hoax. Look how the spotlight is now on big pharma, CDC, FDA. Look how the spotlight is now, finally, on how harmful big pharma "vaccines" are. People are starting to get that these vaccines are not vaccines but blatant, evil experimentation on humans.
The equal, opposite reaction to this awakening is gonna be HUGE. Most of us feel the rumbling already.
You are 100% correct and I welcome that with all my heart...I did not vaccinate my children back in the 80's and I surely welcome all this revelation as I have 4 out of 8 grandchildren that have received childhood vaccines...my heart breaks for them.
You need to add the WHO and NIH to your list...even though there are MANY more...thanks for your views...
Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for the good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose."
Hey! I didn't vax my 3 sons back in the 80s either! I've seen, since then the systematic tyranny imposed upon parents ever since. I was beginning to wonder when the parents were going to wake up to the evil we call the mandatory childhood vaccine list the CDC puts out.
Thank you. Romans 8:28 has kept me calm for nearly 40 years. ❤️
We must have kids the same age...I had 5 between 1980-1989...busy time...busy life since...
How about the INCREASE in the number of vaccines since the 80's...disgraceful...
If we don't have God we have NOTHING of any lasting value...
People are still getting covid shots?
Yes...that is one of the interesting things about the article...
"She also cited the timing of the FDA’s response, which came on the same day the original COVID-19 vaccines were replaced by the bivalent vaccines under the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). "
"Whatever one thought of the initial shots, people are now getting boosted indefinitely with little reliable information about scientific developments,” the petitioners wrote in The Hill. “Product labeling should be informative and accurate, not promotional. The law requires it, and following the law shouldn’t be optional.”
Understand that the labeling of all drugs IS what the FDA apparatus is all about. This.is.their.job.
But their ability to bold face ignore the truth about their labeling with all their doublespeak is really unconscionable...this is what gets me...there are no consequences to their malfeasance when it comes to protecting the people utilizing whatever it is they are labeling... liars that willfully mislead with no oversight whatsoever...
Which is just one more reason the government is not your friend and not to be trusted...I feel for anyone that thinks otherwise...
Riot outside their homes. Make ot impossible to go ANYWHERE in public without being met by a mod. Only fucking way. Talking won't do shit. Actuon is needed. When the British came over, we didn't set a fucking tea table and talk about shit. We grabbed our guns and shit them, period. Action is the only thing these fuckers understand
I hope you misspoke and meant we shot them with the guns...haha...but I guess the other works also...
Pretty much, if something is of/from/by the government, I’m heading the other direction. Ungovernable. I do not/WILL NEVER consent.
Well if they can't do their jobs, they all should be fired, when the boss takes over.
ALL of them every single one, and never replace them. They can become the no such agency
FDA, CDC, WHO and dozens more.... designed by and functioning for The Genocide Cult