My son had it after a vax, and cured it with big doses, over a couple of weeks, of Ivermectin, Work it out according to the package by all means, but he used a 1/2 dose as soon as he felt any symptoms. Prolly about a double dose, spread out every day, He said that a few times, he felt a bit woozy and he would taper it back a bit.
He also took 10000 mg of Vit D daily, 4000 mg of Zinc and NAD. He cut back on carbs (went full carnivore for a while).
Since then he has fathered a child and is fully capable again.
Sidenote: There was a co-worker who we turned onto Ivermectin the first round, and he sailed through, The second round, he thought he'd just wing it, because he was still a little on the fence about Ivermectin. He nearly died. Now, Covid is in the office again, and he is asking for a top-up.
Also, we take half a dose at least twice a week as a preventative measure, because our jobs bring us into contact with lots of people. It also works even if you just have a headache or a scratchy throat. Even my kids come and ask for some when they feel off.
Sorry to hear about your friend. There are several supplements and other approaches (such as remaining active but avoiding strenuous exercise) that have been reported to help those with post-COVID and/or COVID "vaccine" symptoms.
I'd consider, as a start:
Nattokinase -- an enzyme reported to deactivate / protect from the spike protein, which is a key driver of inflammation and injury from both COVID and, even more severely, the "vaccine." It has been widely used for decades (for protection from blood clots, inflammation control, and more) and has recently been recommended by well-known doctors for those suffering from spike-mediated damage. There ARE contraindications and possible side effects, however; browse
Taurine -- an amino acid that supports cardiovascular health and has recently been getting press for improving overall health in animals and humans and actually extending lifespan in animal studies. Your body already makes this, but production falls as we age.
also: Vitamins D, C, the B vitamins (as in a good multiple, although I'd also take addition D and C), and supplements that reduce inflammation; see here for some information.
I'd add that the "vax" in particular also weakens the immune system, which can lead to any number of diseases including cancer, so if I were jabbed I'd be sure to do everything I could to support my immune system with supplements, careful diet, moderate exercise, stress reduction, and so on.
Yes, but that doesn't mean you must not stop the inflammation in its tracks.
My son had it after a vax, and cured it with big doses, over a couple of weeks, of Ivermectin, Work it out according to the package by all means, but he used a 1/2 dose as soon as he felt any symptoms. Prolly about a double dose, spread out every day, He said that a few times, he felt a bit woozy and he would taper it back a bit.
He also took 10000 mg of Vit D daily, 4000 mg of Zinc and NAD. He cut back on carbs (went full carnivore for a while).
Since then he has fathered a child and is fully capable again.
Do you think this would work on pericarditis? That’s actually what she thinks she has
I definitely do.
Sidenote: There was a co-worker who we turned onto Ivermectin the first round, and he sailed through, The second round, he thought he'd just wing it, because he was still a little on the fence about Ivermectin. He nearly died. Now, Covid is in the office again, and he is asking for a top-up.
Also, we take half a dose at least twice a week as a preventative measure, because our jobs bring us into contact with lots of people. It also works even if you just have a headache or a scratchy throat. Even my kids come and ask for some when they feel off.
Thank you! I sent that to her. I appreciate it v much <3
Nattokinase may also be of help for micro clotting.
Thank you!!!
Sorry to hear about your friend. There are several supplements and other approaches (such as remaining active but avoiding strenuous exercise) that have been reported to help those with post-COVID and/or COVID "vaccine" symptoms.
I'd consider, as a start:
Nattokinase -- an enzyme reported to deactivate / protect from the spike protein, which is a key driver of inflammation and injury from both COVID and, even more severely, the "vaccine." It has been widely used for decades (for protection from blood clots, inflammation control, and more) and has recently been recommended by well-known doctors for those suffering from spike-mediated damage. There ARE contraindications and possible side effects, however; browse
Taurine -- an amino acid that supports cardiovascular health and has recently been getting press for improving overall health in animals and humans and actually extending lifespan in animal studies. Your body already makes this, but production falls as we age.
Vitamin K2, and in particular the MK-7 fraction of K2. Here's a good source: Anyone on blood thinners should talk with their doctor before starting vitamin K supplementation.
also: Vitamins D, C, the B vitamins (as in a good multiple, although I'd also take addition D and C), and supplements that reduce inflammation; see here for some information.
I'd add that the "vax" in particular also weakens the immune system, which can lead to any number of diseases including cancer, so if I were jabbed I'd be sure to do everything I could to support my immune system with supplements, careful diet, moderate exercise, stress reduction, and so on.
Best wishes for your friend.
Thank you very much for this research!!