List of food products that "contain bioengineered ingredients"
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
Ok. Maybe some people did not take the vax because of MRNA. However, did you notice the number of food products that shows that they "contain bioengineered ingredients?"
When I go to the store, I used to just grab what I needed and not bother with reading labels. However, when I got home, I started noticing this product "contains bioengineered ingredients" on the package labels for cookies, hot apple cider, and even mayo.
Does anyone know about these bioengineered ingredients? What are they and does anyone where there is a list of these products, so I know what to buy or not buy in the future? Should we be concerned?
Thank you
If you're keeping up with the woke boycotts/divorces (bud, target, etc) then you might know that quite a lot of products are involved.. Kelloggs and associated brands are the new ones on the block, along with Starbucks. This is all helping all of us "boycotters" make healthier food choices, easily.