Yesterday, I posted a teaser about my current dig on the wider implications of the fissures that opened on the PGA tour over the last few years, in regards to the formation of LIV Golf and the exodus of top name players.
Now, Merrick Garland and his corrupt Dept. of Injustice are bringing in the Gestapo, attempting to stop the Merger:
I've not fully completed my dig, but I wanted to throw this out there and get the eyes of other anons on the subject, because events are rapidly accelerating.
Overview: When LIV Golf launched, it set off a firestorm in the golf world. Top level players led by Phil Mickelson ( Trump Guy ) and motivated by lucrative contracts, agreed to play on the new tour. Trump got right on board and agreed to host a number of events at his Trump International Resorts.
PGA freaked out and banned those players from competition. But it went WAY beyond that. Those players were vilified across the entire MSM for taking 'blood money' from SA. The 9/11 Attacks and Jamal Kashogi were brought up. Of course it was all bullshit, because the new SA is not the old SA of 9/11. The Coup took out the group that were complicit in the 9/11 Plot, including Obama bestie, Bill Gates business partner ( >cough< Las Vegas FF ) and Twitter majority shareholder, Prince Al Wahleed.
The out-of-nowhere boomerang of the PGA Deal w/ LIV caught the entire world by surprise and outrageous hypocrisy of the Tour was inexplicable. NONE of the players were notified except for maybe one. Phil Mickelson. He's the only guy that wasn't caught of guard and was the first to suggest a potential merger, TWO YEARS AGO. ( note: it's Phil's birthday today )
On the very first day of the US Open ( all eyes on ) PGA Tour Commissioner Jay Monahan left the stage with a sudden undisclosed medical issue and trust me, it wasn't the Jab. My guess is he won't be coming back, ever.
What is currently playing out appears to be monumental and goes way beyond the sport of golf. Many here can probably theorize how Q drops about childhood cancers and POTUS45(Q+) recent comments on cures could impact the Cancer Industry. The PGA tour is a 501(c) Corp. that is deeply intertwined with top level child cancer hospitals and hundreds of child charities.
The 9/11 implications are clear. The scapegoating of players and the current regime in SA set off red flags for they were based on revisionism and the DS narrative. That's why Garland bringing in the Gestapo. He knows what is at stake.
And if that wasn't enough to think about, here is a VERY DEEP RABBIT HOLE. This was posted by Swordfish69, who I consider one of the best ever deep diggers during Pizzagate and The Great Awakening. He connected CEMEX cement plants to hundreds of golf courses around the world.
I think you may be right. Like Trump, Phil “has it all,” at least from a PGA Tour perspective. He has been extremely vocal about their shady handling of tour money. Phil shouldn’t have referred to the Saudi’s as “ scary MFers” because that made him look like a retarded hypocrite. He tends to talk too much and out his lower sphincter but he knows what’s up and tour players should have listened. They should have paid attention to Trump and Phil. But the bottom line is- someone needs to look at their books.
There is something really queer about Chamblee. And he went after Phil hard and is currently in a Twitter war with him or some shit. People joked that Chamblee was in a fetal position the day the merger took place, LOL. I liked his golf analysis but that’s about it.
Did you catch him laying into Brad Faxon for mildly disagreeing with him? He's been drooling like John Bolton through this whole thing. Faxon's offering a player's perspective ( a good player, because Chamblee was a hack ) and he responded that he "didn't understand the larger repercussions and if he did, he wouldn't feel that way... " Total. Dick.
Yeah. I think Chamblee’s days are numbered.