Whether you believe the Neo-Alien hooplah or not, "Aliens" have been visiting and influencing Humans for thousands of years. This is documented in stone, painting, and written text in every culture there ever was that existed, still exist (Like the DOGON tribe in Africa), and in every Religious and/or cultural texts ever found.
I am by no means an expert but have done a LOT of research in ancient Historical texts, cultures, and archaeology. They ALL, without fail, have stories and accounts of aliens/gods/angels from the sky coming to teach them in their historical records. Hell, even George Washington was influenced.
So, like Christianity with their evangelists who prey upon Religion and only care about your money, so too are there Alien Evangelists who will do the same. Always be skeptical but always have an open mind in equal measure and Do your due diligence and research!!! There are a multitude of "unknown" things out there that scientists are discovering every day; much of it is true but suppressed from Humanity..
Whether you believe the Neo-Alien hooplah or not, "Aliens" have been visiting and influencing Humans for thousands of years. This is documented in stone, painting, and written text in every culture there ever was that existed, still exist (Like the DOGON tribe in Africa), and in every Religious and/or cultural texts ever found.
I am by no means an expert but have done a LOT of research in ancient Historical texts, cultures, and archaeology. They ALL, without fail, have stories and accounts of aliens/gods/angels from the sky coming to teach them in their historical records. Hell, even George Washington was influenced.
So, like Christianity with their evangelists who prey upon Religion and only care about your money, so too are there Alien Evangelists who will do the same. Always be skeptical but always have an open mind in equal measure and Do your due diligence and research!!! There are a multitude of "unknown" things out there that scientists are discovering every day; much of it is true but suppressed from Humanity..