posted ago by ifififififokiedokie ago by ifififififokiedokie +76 / -1

I've been ill the last few months, and with 2 kids at home and a wife my life is focused around working and providing for my family, making space for my dreams and hobbies, and living generally frugally. I'm rarely out in the evening anymore, maybe once a month.

I ended up going out with a couple of my (single, childless) friends last night and for both of them this was a near daily occurrence. One friend complained he was "so busy" with work and "having trouble" completing his few summer goals because it meant saying no to the constant barage of music festivals and social engagements he was being invited to. As someone who works 60-80 hours a week and has two children AND is fitting in my goals and side projects while managing a health condition this was completely laughable, and I did laugh.

Across from me, and kitty corner to me, and kitty corner the other side, and in the bar, were table upon table of overtly gay men.

What do all these people have in common, I thought... then it hit me. They have TIME and they have MONEY and NOTHING to save for.

They are SPENDING machines, looking for ways to fill all their time and spend all their money. If everyone was at home with their families and kids the place would be empty. They must have figured out that these people with stunted maturity are a goldmine, and the ultimate goldmine (and way to stump maturity) is to encourage one to be gay because they live a life of frivolity and meaninglessness. I don't mean that as an offence, but it's true. Without children and a care for the next generation, your life and mission has objectively less meaning.

So they push this narrative because these people spend NOW, they pay more tax, they work hard, they have dual incomes in every household and no responsibilities other than their cars, dogs, vacations, and endless nights at the bar.

They have been duped... and they don't even know it.
