Keep Honouring God. Keep an attitude of faith, and you won't have to fight. God will move the wrong people out of the way, He'll open a door that you couldn't open; He'll turn that situation in your health around. Outlast the sickness, outlast the injustice, outlast the trouble at work, outlast the loneliness. You have to tap into that staying power. As Scripture says 'He who endures to the end will receive the prize' Don't Give up along the way; don't get discouraged because this is taking longer than you thought. Your time is coming.
I came across this somewhere I don't recall and have always found it a useful reminder that God is in control. Hopefully, some Anons might find it a help as well. God bless you all.
Its not hard to give up it was 2016 since Trump came down the elevator. That is 7 years ago now and we are still waiting.
I am almost 67 years old and I have been awake since I was a child so its been a lot longer for me.
When Trump came in I thought now we will see these people pay but none have yet.
My biggest fear and the reason I get so frustrated is I will die of old age before that happens.
Many of your scum like Hillary and Bill are already at old age so they got to live their entire lives hurting people and the only hope for them is they end up in hell.
But as you know if you believe in God all they have to do is repent shortly before they die and they will not go to hell. That is really maddening.
Gods plan is not to put people in hell his plan is to have everyone repent and come to him no matter what they have done.
I do understand this is so wide spread and deep that it will take a long time to finish but I think it is understandable that most of us thought many that we know should have already been tried and convicted in most cases the death penalty. But none have.
Unless there really is something going on in the background we cant see.
I just turned 71 so also fear I won’t be around to see anyone pay. Very frustrating.
I hope we learn that Methuselah lived to a normal age and 71 is just getting started.
And we don’t get sick from contamination of air water and food anymore.
Drs actually start healing people.
Oh, and taxes go away.
We don’t really need Gesara/Nesara
We just need the Cabal to get out of the way.
75 here and I share your same fear!