What's your thoughts about Juneteenth?
Banks and post offices are closed. Legit holiday or what? Biden gave the deep state workers another freebie at our expense. Seems to me we have too many federal holidays already. I keep hoping that part of Trump's agenda will be to drastically cut the size and scope of government. Personally I think that first cut should be 50% and then chip away from there until it's about 25% of what we currently have. Then maybe our taxes can go down in an effort to free the rest of us slaves who pay taxes and foot the bills for outrageous expenditures like $billions to Ukraine and pallets of cash to Iran.
You’re right, 10% of what we currently have would be great. But for a long time I too thought a dispersal of DC offices across the country should be made but then I started to view the growth of goverment like cancer. Would I want it to infect the rural areas were good morals, work ethic and common sense would be infected by bureaucrats? That made me re-think the idea. Now, I think it should stay in DC were it can be contained and excised as needed, like a tumor.
They would have to be neutered to start with. They should have ZERO power to do anything except report to congress.
I also think they should be close to whatever they reporting to congress on.
This system would not appeal to liberals. By definition that means it is already better. LOL