British public school teacher loses it at a student for “misgendering” another student who identifies as a cat. Animals are protected gender identities now too -Instead of cowering, the girl fired right back, saying “If they want to identify as a cow or something then they are genuinely unwell-crazy
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
Bravo to their parents. I would love to buy them a pint
Yeah, for me, the real takeaway here is that there are some switched on kids, and they aren't going to take the crap anymore.
The teacher is so full of bollocks. Reduced down, all she (it?) is saying is "You have to think this way because We say so".
I would have loved for the young lady to say "but ma'am, that's an ideology".
Because that's all her nonsense about "genders" is. An ideology.
And the minute to daft teacher says, "Yes. And you have to accept it", it's game over, debate-wise. The truth is finally there.