posted ago by Mister_Winston ago by Mister_Winston +131 / -0

Within five hours of John Hinckley Jr. shooting president Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush and his cabinet determined Hinckley was a lone nut who had no association to any conspiracy. This should have drawn immediate suspicion, considering the Bush and Hinckley families had been friends for over a decade. George HW Bush's son, Neil, had planned to have dinner with John Hinckley's brother, Scott, the night after the assassination attempt. This was confirmed by multiple mainstream news organizations at the time.

Here's a compilation of some national news broadcasts from March 31, 1981, the day after the attempt. The interesting part starts at 2:27.


Key points from those broadcasts:

  • Prior to the assassination attempt, Hinckley stayed in a hotel and would wait for a phone call at an outdoor pay phone every morning. This despite having a phone in his hotel room. This fact conflicts with the hasty conclusion by investigators that Hinckley acted alone.

  • Hinckley was a member of the Chicago Nazi party for a year. They kicked him out when he began encouraging acts of domestic terrorism. This behavior is consistent with methods used today by undercover FBI informants who try to recruit and position outlier groups as patsies.

  • Vice President George HW Bush's son, Neil Bush, and his wife had planned to have dinner with Scott Hinckley in their residential city of Denver the night after the assassination attempt took place.

This article reveals surprising facts that coalesce into an undeniable connection of George HW Bush to Hinckley and the attempted assassination: https://whowhatwhy.org/politics/government-integrity/bush-angle-reagan-shooting-still-unresolved-hinckley-walks/

Key points from that article:

  • The FBI will not release 22 pages of documents on John Hinkley Jr, which included names and organizations linked to Hinckley, along with details of his psychiatric records.

  • The story of Hinckley's association to the Bush family was first reported by the now defunct Houston Post, then picked up by the AP and UPI. The MSM then memory holed the story despite this explosive fact.

  • George HW Bush never commented on his family's connection to the Hinckleys, and denied they contributed to his campaigns.

  • Despite a history money transactions and glaring evidence, none of the Bush family members were ever questioned about their connection to the Hinckleys by the FBI, Secret Service, or any other investigative body.

  • The friendship between the Hinckley and Bush families had gone back more than a decade to their shared conquest of oilfields in Texas. George HW Bush's company was Zapata Oil. The Hinckley's oil company was Vanderbilt Energy Corps.

  • The Hinckleys were donors to George HW Bush's political campaigns for years.

  • The Hinckleys were the first to support and donate to the young George W Bush's failed congressional campaign in 1978. The Hinckleys made these contributions while their son, John Hinckley Jr., and George W Bush's brother and campaign manager, Neil Bush, were both living in Lubbock, Texas.

  • The day after the shooting, at a press conference, Neil Bush confirmed Scott Hinkley had also been present at his Denver home a couple of months prior for Neil's surprise birthday party. But he claimed Scott was only there as the date of a friend of Neil's wife. Neil Bush, like his father, played ignorant about his decades-long connection to the Hinckleys.

  • In 1980, John Hinckley Jr. had been arrested with three guns at the Nashville airport when candidate Jimmy Carter arrived in the city. Carter was running against Reagan and Bush at the time. Strangely, Hinckley was released without being charged or fingerprinted. This suggests Hinckley had been serving as a CIA resource on retainer.

  • After the shooting, while John Hinckley Jr. was in prison, his cell was searched. Found were notes he had written that described a conspiracy of multiple people to assassinate a president. His parents said this conspiracy was imaginary, so the notes were disregarded.

  • After a jury quickly determined Hinckley had been acting alone, he was sent to St Elizabeth's mental hospital near Washington DC. The hospital has a history of accommodating the CIA's MK Ultra experiments.

  • The MK Ultra program was active while George HW Bush was head of the CIA. His tenure began five years before Reagan was shot.

  • Around the time of the Kennedy assassination, John Hinckley Sr. and his son, Scott Hinckley, were operating their oil company out of the Republic Bank Building in Dallas, Texas. This building housed many entities connected to the CIA, including the office of Russian "baron" George de Mohrenschildt, who was close friends with both George HW Bush and Lee Harvey Oswald.

  • John Hinckley Sr. was deeply involved in a non-profit called World Vision. It was funded by USAID, a government program long associated with the CIA. Another employee of World Vision was Mark David Chapman, the man who murdered John Lennon.

  • Right after the shooting, a cooked-up scandal about Secretary of State Alexander Haig taking control of the presidency was used by the national media to distract public attention away from news reports about the Bush/Hinckley connection.

  • The Hinckley's oil company was warned, just hours before the shooting, that it faced a $2 million fine for overpricing oil. After the assassination attempt by John Hinckley Jr., the charges were never again mentioned or pursued.

This page contains more material and analysis on this subject, including a copy pasta of news articles from 1981 that support the points above: http://www.voxfux.com/features/hinckley_bush_connection.html

Here's a literal money quote from an AP article on March 31st, 1981:

From what I know and I've heard, they (the Hinckleys) are a very nice family and have given a lot of money to the Bush campaign.

-- Sharon Bush, wife of Neil Bush

On that same date, this was printed by UPI: "Neil Bush told the Houston Post he knew the Hinckley family because they had made large contributions to the vice president's campaign."

Then the next day, April 1st, this was in an AP article: "In Washington, an aide to Vice President George Bush disputed a Houston Post report that the Hinckleys made large contributions to Bush's presidential campaign. The aide, Shirley Green, said no record of such a contribution could be found."

A journalism professor in Montana, Nathaniel Blumberg, observed that the national media was inexcusably negligent in covering the Bush/Hinckley connection. He said "…The press had submitted to this in a way I find unprecedented." He went on to say that the dinner between Neil Bush and Scott Hinckley was "The most remarkable assassination coincidence in the history of this country."

The page also contains a traceable genealogy asserting that John Hinckley Jr. and VP George HW Bush were distant cousins, and were descended from a governor of Connecticut. It also states that The Washington Star newspaper reported that George HW Bush and Hinckley were 9th cousins. Like the Houston Post, the Washington Star shut down a year later.

Based on the material above, we can extract the following points that are consistent with CIA tools and strategies that we see today. Note that many apply to mass shootings:

  • A mentally disturbed subject is utilized for violent action against a political target. (Hinckley)

  • The identity of the mental health professional(s) who had been tending to the violent actor is withheld by law enforcement. (Redacted by FBI in their report)

  • An attempt is made to infiltrate an outlier group and persuade them to participate in political violence, thus positioning them as patsies. (Nazi party of Chicago)

  • The investigation by law enforcement is hasty, concludes too quickly, and disregards inconvenient evidence. These conclusions always determine the perpetrator is a nutjob or extremist, which severs any connection a broader government conspiracy.

  • A distraction narrative is used to draw public attention away from troublesome facts. (Alexander Haig)

  • The media abandons all journalistic standards and practices in order to drive the preferred political narrative. (Coverup of Hinckley/Bush connection and campaign donations)

My conclusion: This coverup is comparable to those of the JFK assassination, 9/11, and covid. If John Hinckley Jr. had used any bullet larger than a .22 caliber, Reagan would not have survived. It would be a reasonable assumption that George HW Bush faced military justice for this crime. His execution by the military would explain why, when Q was asked what was in the envelopes, his answer was "Our promise to retaliate." This probably meant white hats would retaliate to any DS retaliation by arresting Cheney and W Bush for 9/11.

An aside: The downplayed fact that John Hinckley Jr. was a Nazi supporter is interesting considering the Bush family has a history of supporting Nazis. If you have not seen the Mr Truthbomb video on Skull & Bones, I highly recommend it. It begins with an explanation of Prescott Bush's financial support of Hitler's war machine: https://rumble.com/v2m64lq-skull-and-bones-the-deep-state-war-series-episode-one-infiltration-from-wit.html

An aside 2: If you'd like to learn more about the Bush family and Neil Bush's criminal involvement in the massive savings & loan scandal of the 80's, watch this round table discussion among journalists and researchers that originally aired on Austin cable access in 1991: https://rumble.com/v2gox42-uncovering-the-shady-connections-of-the-bush-family-an-interview-with-inves.html

An aside 3: Barbara Bush is likely the daughter of Aleister Crowley: https://rumble.com/v1lfcpb--the-bush-crime-family-three-generations-of-treason.html

So we have connections to Nazis, Satanism, presidential assassinations, and mass murder (9/11). Like me, most of you are probably kicking yourselves for being duped by this family for so many decades.