THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES ANONS! What day is it today? It's June 21st! Why is this significant? It's the Summer Solstice! The BRIGHTEST day of the year! What was John Durham doing today? Why was the 21st of June chosen for Durham's presentation? SYMBOLISM is very important! 🌑 DARK --> LIGHT! ☀️
🌑 DARK --> LIGHT! ☀️

r/PreserveMF: you need to flip it… this Christianity-based-on-Paganism…Jesus was the word and the word was God…in the beginning God spoke and all creation was formed. So Pagans, instead of embracing that God was at the beginning, they make up stories of creation (in rebellion to God Almighty and Jesus as Lord) which have inklings to the true story of Jesus and creation. I heard that there are religions that have a flood story too. Those humans, since Adam and Eve, have rebelled against God and His authority and so have taken to create their own stories like what you mentioned. But Jesus was from the beginning and His is the only story that will save your life and your soul. Do with that as you choose.
Abit hard when writings on krishna predate Jesus I think you need to think bigger. Jesus is a bigger story than even most Christians allude too.
You’re missing my point. Jesus was before the beginning of time. Does Krishna say that too? I’m not talking about when He came to earth in human form. I’m talking about the triune God being from before the earth, universe was formed. Genesis 1:1. That’s where I stand.
Agreed I'm just stating that texts about krishna are older and many parralells with jesus and his message, keep in mind Hinduism went through a turmoil where alot of people denied the other gods and only worshipped krishna.