Either peg the dollar to gold or remonetize on a new currency. Washington and the Fed have killed their own fiat paper scam.
EDIT: I just thought of this while replying to a comment below. Trump could unsuspend the Bretton Woods agreement that Nixon unilaterally suspended in 1971. This would instantly re-peg the dollar to gold. He could then trade the dollar against the gold-back stablecoin that BRICS is about to establish, which would bring further stability to the dollar.
Either peg the dollar to gold or remonetize on a new currency. Washington and the Fed have killed their own fiat paper scam.
EDIT: I just thought of this while replying to a comment below. Trump could unsuspend the Bretton Woods agreement that Nixon unilaterally suspended in 1971. This would instantly re-peg the dollar to gold. He could then trade the dollar against the gold-back stablecoin that BRICS is about to establish, which would bring further stability to the dollar.
In my mind, both of those would take a long time unless he had a system already built and ready to go live.
BRICS countries are meeting Aug. 22 in South Africa and teasing a big announcement. Many other countries are requesting to join.