It's found in five pieces near the Titanic on flat surface away from Titanic. (So they ask if it crashed into it?) Imploded Coast Guard Admiral says. Was it blown up? Why did it implode?
They say this sub was not registered by agency to be safe. So privately they can use it, charge $225,000.00 a ride? No one checks it out spending that much money?
I'd like to hear from James Cameron at this time. He has taken 33 trips, with others down to view the Titanic.
WTF happened?
How were they cleared to take passengers down? This all sounds like malarkey to me. Surprise, surprise. Bodies most likely not recoverable d/t implosion. Check Antarctica or S. America as an escape route or maybe Terra Mar tunnels. And wife the owner lost grand parents in the Titanic! What are the chances?