252 MIND YOUR VOCABULARY, BOIS! This is not a "pedo friendly" board. (media.communities.win) "DID WE STUTTER??" posted 1 year ago by catsfive 1 year ago by catsfive +255 / -3 61 comments download share 61 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
The title includes "mind your vocabulary", and then proceeds to post a meme with plenty of smack. I wasn't trying to be too serious about it.
My point was whether this could fall under the "advocacy of illegal activity" banner (i.e calls for executing someone without a trial)
I see. That is a good point. I think the assumption is that there is no question of guilt, and normalizing the behavior is not an option.
Yea thats why I was torn on this one. Reported it to mods and it seems they let it go, good enough for me