The Deep State is trying to make Russia go to war against the US. The Deep State desperately wants a US war with Russia for at least five reasons. First, they can't let Putin have Ukraine, and all the secrets held there. Second, they can spin it as, "see, Biden is tough on Russia while Trump loved Putin." Third, they can keep spending like drunken sailors on much more than just "Ukraine!" - they can then spend trillions on an entire world war, and they make lots of money on any government spending. Fourth, Putin is an impediment to the New World Order. Fifth, in the midst of a world war, they can more easily trample our freedoms.
The Deep State is trying to make Russia go to war against the US. The Deep State desperately wants a US war with Russia for at least five reasons. First, they can't let Putin have Ukraine, and all the secrets held there. Second, they can spin it as, "see, Biden is tough on Russia while Trump loved Putin." Third, they can keep spending like drunken sailors on much more than just "Ukraine!" - they can then spend trillions on an entire world war, and they make lots of money on any government spending. Fourth, Putin is an impediment to the New World Order. Fifth, in the midst of a world war, they can more easily trample our freedoms.
If we're at war, then they round up anyone that doesn't be support the cause.