I checked out the Wikipedia listing for Prigozhin a moment ago. It will be interdasting to see how it changes to fit the narrative over the coming weeks. August is typically a hot month.
What a weiner. In the course of time, you will find our Weiner will have topped their weiner, you will see. Our Weiner will bring down the House of Dogs, and bring a fitting end to the reign of Hilldog.
I checked out the Wikipedia listing for Prigozhin a moment ago. It will be interdasting to see how it changes to fit the narrative over the coming weeks. August is typically a hot month.
So this guy built his fortune with hot dogs...
Bathhouse Barry has entered the chat: "Did someone say something about hot dogs?"
What a weiner. In the course of time, you will find our Weiner will have topped their weiner, you will see. Our Weiner will bring down the House of Dogs, and bring a fitting end to the reign of Hilldog.