posted ago by MAG768720 ago by MAG768720 +31 / -0

The first attempt to take over Russia was in 1905. What happened just prior to that?

There was a war between Russia and Japan in 1904.

So, they start a war that drags Russia into conflict, which distracts the Russian leadership and drains the military's resources.

Then, they stage a "coup" (really, a takeover from the outside) to overthrow the Russian government.

It was not successful in 1905. So, Lenin and Trotsky retreated. Lenin to Switzerland and Trotsky to New York. Then, they waited.

They waited for the next move, which was the start of WW1, just 9 years later in 1914.

Once again, Russia was dragged into the conflict, leadership distracted, and military resources spread thin. This time, backed by wealthy bankers in New York City and London, Lenin and Trotsky made their way back to Moscow, with the assistance of anti-Russian governments (US, UK, Germany at the time), and they attacked Moscow. They had just 10,000 recruits, but plenty of money for weapons and propaganda to assist their takeover.

In 1917, they were successful in the overthrow, and they proceeded to murder tens of millions of ethnic White Russians.

In 1919, they then turned their attention on Germany and attempted to take over Germany, as well. This was also done at the end of WW1 when German leadership was in shambles and the military resources were weak.

Although they were not successful in a takeover of Germany, the did manage to covertly destroy Germany via the Treaty of Versailles terms, which lead to the horrific situation for the Germans, post-WW1.

This is what Hitler was fighting against.

In Russia, the Bolshevik/Communist takeover would grip Russia for the next 70+ years, with many millions of people dying at the bloody hands of the Communists.

In 2014, the US (via CIA black op) overthrew the Ukrainian democratically-elected government and installed a puppet government.

Once again, they lured Russia into war. From the Russian perspective, they have been protecting the ethnic Russians living in eastern Ukraine against the crimes of the Ukranian government against them. But was it a trap?

Something strange seemed to be taking place after a few months.

There is this mercenary group fighting FOR Russia (supposedly) against Ukraine in Ukraine, but they are a private organization, and not part of the Russian military.

But, that group started doing some weird things. Now, they are marching on Moscow with 25,000 troops in an apparent attempt at another takover of Russia (called a "coup," but once again it is really an attempted takeover).

What caught my attention even before this new happening was the fact that the mercenary group called itself the Wagner Group.

Wagner was the name of a German composer, who was outspoken against what he considered to be non-Germans claiming to be German composers, but who did not have the German spirit in their music. IOW, people like Mendelssohn, who was a German jew, and whose music was not heroic like German music should be, according to Wagner.

So, I wondered if the group took its name as a slap at Wagner. We will never know, because if that is the real reason for that name, it will never be publically stated. Interesting, nevertheless.

With the news about their march on Moscow, I wondered if there was yet another connection.

Sure enough, the leader of this group is Yevgeny Prigozhin. A quick search showed that both his father and step-father were jewish.


Both Lenin and Trotsky (real name; Bronson) were jewish. The Russian Revolution (both the attempt in 1905 and the succeeding one in 1917) was really a takeover by jews, funded by jewish bankers in New York and London.

Who funds the Wagner Group?

Most likely ... YOU DO.

US and other western governments have been sending billions of dollars to Ukraine. Some of that money, I have no doubt, has been diverted to Wagner to be used to attempt to take over Russia (again).

If this theory is true, then we know for a FACT that Putin is a good guy and Wagner Group is funded by NWO and their puppet governments.

Now then ...

What are the possibilities?

(1) Wagner Group decides to stop pushing Putin and quits. Not gonna happen.

(2) Wagner Group somehow successfully takes over Russia, possibly with overt (and certainly covert) help from the West. If that happens, Russia is toast, and the rest of the world has a BIG problem.

(3) Putin destroys Wagner Group and imprisons/executes them. At this point, I have no doubt this is what Putin is planning to do. Of course, the fake news media in the West will then spin this as Putin attacking his own people ... Orange Man AND Putin bad!

(4) Wagner Group decides it needs refuge somewhere in the world in order to avoid certain execution. How would YOU like to have 25,000 mercenary troops living next door to YOU? How would you feel if you knew that not only were they trained mercenary military men, but they also HATE YOU.

Needless to say ...

This whole thing might be a MUCH bigger problem than we fully realize.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn told us that the Russian Revolution was really a takeover by non-Russians -- people who HATED Russians and murdered tens of millions:


Wall Street funded the Bolshevik Revolution, and also assisted Japan in the Russia-Japan war:


The Hidden History of Communism -- it was invented (before Karl Marx) for the purpose of creating chaos so that the "heros" could step in and "restore order."

Sound familiar?

Problem >> Reaction >> Solution (but not a solution that benefits YOU).

Do things make more sense now?
