NASTY NSFW WARNING: This was @CBCARTS Instagram post today.... What the actual fucking fuck?! Our TAX DOLLARS pay for this shit? 8/9 recent posts are about gay brainwashing shit, and/or of blatantly sexual (LGTBQRST+)nature. THEY MUST BE DEFUNDED THIS IS DISGUSTING!
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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People at "the top" worship satan. They've been compromised through deception and got in over their heads. They're going along to get along because everyone else in their religion/club is equally compromised, by design. Satan deceived them. (I have zero empathy for them)
The aholes at the top (Black rock et al) are also satan worshippers. That encompasses pedos, moloch and other ritual sacrifice rites, and all the evil shit that goes along with it. BR pushes ESG because of their "religious" beliefs. They hate Christ and The Creator. By pushing this agenda and hijacking God's rainbow, they are attacking the closest thing to God - innocent children.
This hard push and "inorganic" forced roll out of the perverted ESG agenda, tells us a few things: A) They had to move their timetable up because Trump and the Patriots interrupted their rhythm B) They're starting to fear the ramifications of their satanic actions C) They're trying to soften the world's view on pedo crimes, so we're desensitized (not gonna work) like their entertainment has...
NCSWIC - We're not buying the bs they're trying to sell us. They WILL pay for their crimes.