Weird Titanic Sacrifice Ritual?
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
Seems to have needed a father/son pair really badly.
Seems to have needed a father/son pair really badly.
So one father and son pair is replaced by another when they pulled out.
Yes. Almost like they needed a father and son.
You should think about your theory a little more. One father and son was replaced on the trip with another because the undersea voyage and accident happened on Father's Day.
Is that why the president of the company was so desperate to fill seats with a father and son that he flew out to give a sales pitch to the guys in article and even offered them a 50% discount?
Father's day or not, no one has ever aggressively promoted something to my father and I to the point of offering us $100k off the price.
There is also a Masonic ritual known as the Lewis Rite where a father inducts his own son into the Order.
Or could it be that this was planned and like a psyop or false flag, the father/son aspect of the story was selected for maximum emotional impact?
Much like Cassie Bernall being martyred as a Christian by the Columbine shooters, or Todd beamer with his whole "let's roll" thing on 9/11