Kamala Harris Slipping Into the Executive Through the Back Door Is Overshadowed by Problematic Background, Ties to Bidens and CE...
An article examining the problematic background of Kamala Harris back to her days in public service in California to becoming a U.S. senator and ascending to the vice presidency: the intelligence c…
President Ho has a hell of a ring to it doesn't it?
And we thought the world was laughing at us for the Biden disaster.
...sadly true....
Quick new knee pads with presidential seal needed
“ It seems they don’t want Pence running in 2024. ”
I don’t either. Nobody wants an F’n TRAITOR!
Not the only thing she's had in her back door and fairly certain it's not the last.
Thank you! I think the last part where it talks about Senator Harries being a partner in CEFC is going to be problematic for her, I hope.
I have NOT FINISHED even a 10th of what is presented by Political Moonshine BUT I will say this...I have ALWAYS thought that the Chinese were way to involved in our country.
President Trump is drawing the noose tighter and before too long these traitors will be sent to their final place-----> GITMO!!!!
...doggy winks...
..,pot shine is always dishing some some juicy meat....
...thank @ofRedneckintheboonies for requesting this rerun of an oldie but goodie....