Fact 2: Nowhere in the indictment does Special Counsel Jack Smith discuss classified documents at Trump's Bedminster, NJ resort
Fact 3: This was never going to be Trump's word vs. whoever made the recording. Trump had multiple staff in the room at the time this meeting occurred.
Conjecture: this is going to turn out to be exactly what Trump claims it is: him showing off newspaper clippings and magazine articles that were obviously not classified. Clippings and articles based on leaks claiming Trump was about to 'wag the dog' and start a war with Iran to try to hold on to his presidency. And Milley and the MIC courageously stepped up and thwarted him.
Jack Smith's SCO leaked this audiotape to build public consensus against Trump to try to boost an already extremely weak case headed for trial in August.
If Smith does not demonstrate to Judge Aileen Cannon's satisfaction that he intends to introduce evidence at trial that Trump was exposing classified material he wasn't allowed to have at this meeting in Bedminster, NJ?
She's gonna absolutely fucking shred him for this leak.