Sometimes I wake up in absolute disbelief that my government is trying to kill me. Other days, it’s just on with the show.
But this is the summer of pure dismal. It rains everyday in many places—here and where loved ones live. I’m of the opinion the bastards control the weather.
The smoke from the Canada fires are bad where I live today and it’s making my mother in Hospice worse because she’s not getting enough oxygen to her brain. She has a lung disease and is dying. The smoke doesn’t help. It makes her delirious.
And word is today that malaria, of all things, is active in Florida and Texas. Gee, what a surprise. Let’s get those red states! Bring on the malaria, boys!
Florida is being punished on a daily basis, with high insurance, skyrocketing housing costs, and now Malaria. Really biblical weather in South Florida this summer where my daughter lives with Noah-like rain and crazy thunder for weeks.
Dengue fever in Peru spreading there from Brazil and Gate’s mosquitos. And I could go on, but you know the news.
I’m just fed up tonight. My brother, who is awake, called, and we were marveling at all the chaos. We decided we just have to be strong every single day. Stay ahead of the blues. Fight to be happy. Carry an umbrella. Sing in the effing rain.
I understand completely, the desire to just be a hermit and just turn off everything, go back to the way I was when I first moved to my very rural home. I had no tv, there was no internet, but I had wall to wall books and would read the newspaper. I think for some, like me, there can be too much information at once to process. I grew up in the 50's and 60's, I was in my 20's in the seventies, No t v, when I was a kid, there was the evening news and the 11pm news, and newspapers. If I wanted to know more about something I went to the library or bought a book. People seem to be getting dumber, yet there is more information that passes as fact then ever before. I should just unplug, but can't keep myself away from knowing what is going on, hyper-vigilance. The more you know, the more you know that you don't know. Rabbit holes can be dark places, and we need light to keep up hope. Things are accelerating also, but I think if we keep on the right path and pray the serenity prayer, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference".We will not be left behind, I don't have to be aware of everything. HE is always in control, I am not, grace comes to us by surrendering our will to HIS, I don't think there is any other way, and the one fact I do know is when I follow this, more of his truth is revealed and I feel much better about life. I live in the greatest country ever created, thank God, and I trust HE will see us through.