Whistleblower: NHS ordered EUTHANASIA to Inflate COVID-19 Deaths in Hospitals
🚔 Crime & Medical Tyranny 💸
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Everyone died in a hospital
Not everyone died. There was a great account of a drug addict who survived. The nurse suspected that the knockout cocktail wasn't strong enough for this patient and he woke up, pulled out his tube and iv and left the hospital.
I meant everyone who died from coovid died in the hospital, Noone died at home
Gotcha. I believe that you are 100% correct. There are some who did recover in the hospital but are now dealing with the effects of the lethal concoction that they were served in the hospital.
While I know that its God's job to judge, I still want these people who started this mess along with every medical person who was just "following orders" to suffer. May God forgive me.