Kekekekek 🤣🤣🤣 Read above... It's the way that the article is written that's funny... I never clicked the video, only read the article... Cheers fren...
Yes, I get it.
My comment relates to nobody cares about this mental case and it’s views.
Blackrock shoving ESG down our throats and they get huge pushback.
They never used his preferred gender pronouns which I find hilarious... Mulvaney made himself out as the victim not the article... Have an awesome weekend fren..
"NOTICE: Commenting is currently disabled due to technical issues. We're working to bring this back as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience."
Nobody cares
You're completely missing the humor which is sad... Enjoy your weekend though...
Kekekekek 🤣🤣🤣 Read above... It's the way that the article is written that's funny... I never clicked the video, only read the article... Cheers fren...
Yes, I get it. My comment relates to nobody cares about this mental case and it’s views. Blackrock shoving ESG down our throats and they get huge pushback.
Agreed 100%... Enjoy your weekend...
No way I'm clicking on that....
The article is funny af the way it's written... You don't have to click the video... 🤣🤣🤣 Cheers fren...
I'll read the artical then,I just don't want to hear that creep.
Can't say that I blame you fren... I just enjoyed how the article never used he, she, they, them etc... Never acknowledged gender at all...
They made him out to be victum....
They never used his preferred gender pronouns which I find hilarious... Mulvaney made himself out as the victim not the article... Have an awesome weekend fren..
i wish he would just go away.
Me too fren... Cheers...
So I've been told... kekekekek... 🤣🤣🤣 The humor is in the way the article is written... Cheers fren...
maybe this dipshit will get the hint that it is a freak and not accepted
One can only hope... Cheers fren...
I agree 100%... Only reason I posted it was because of the humor I found in the way the article was written... Cheers fren...
"NOTICE: Commenting is currently disabled due to technical issues. We're working to bring this back as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience."
Right??? Would've gotten ratioed beyond ratio kekekekek... 🤣🤣🤣 Cheers fren...
Awwww... poor things and their down-doots... 🤣🤣🤣 Boy, talk about missing the humor in the article...