President Trump posted a 36 second video tonight at 7:44 (1944)
Its a awesome video!!
Q post 1944 is talking about FISA.
1944 uses the term INSCOM
United States Army Intelligence and Security Command
1944 also says FISA = FISC
United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
Q told us FISA = START.
We just watched Durham give his report on the FISA scandal to Congress.
How many days would we expect to wait for criminal charges to emerge from a military investigation?
Like I said above the video was 36 seconds long.
"Military Intelligence."
"There is simply no other way than to use the military."
A video released from Don Jr and Devon Nunes today seems to give us a clue that today is Day 1 which possibly means tomorrow is ZERO DAY?
We have another post that is stickied that indicates a internet apocalypse is coming.
Was the 10 days of darnkess going to occur directly after a military announcement that investigations have begun in response to Durham's report?
Keeping fingers crossed!!!
This is the kind of post that I like to see more of, good post and humble enough on the hopium, no annoying "IT'S HAPPENING!!!!".