posted ago by SuqamisLostPassport ago by SuqamisLostPassport +33 / -4

There is a phrase that people use, Failure of Imagination. Cheney told us about failure of imagination.

The Trump campaign, on the other hand, has too much imagination. It's figuratively shooting a dozen fire-hoses worth of imagination at Dick Cheney. I'm convinced that Trump calls up Cheney once a day to share his imagination with Cheney. At this point, Cheney is losing his goddamned mind trying to counter all this Q nonsense.

Trump doesn't mention Obama much. I think Trump realizes that Obama was a victim of trafficking and the poor lad didn't have a chance. Obama was groomed from birth to be in politics but also groomed in the other meaning.

There is a small chance, that within the next year or so, that Obama might publicly testify to the abuse he was put through as a child. He may even endorse Trump. I think that would help America avoid the chaos that is hitting France right now. Have Obama tell Americans not to riot when the Masons shoot black teens. Instead, go to the FBI and CIA buildings and don't leave until the FBI and CIA hand over the pedophiles.

I think Obama is working for Trump now. Obama could have had NSA shut down and Cyber Command shut down in 2016 or any point during his presidency. If Obama had done that one thing, fire Admiral Rogers, then Hilary would have been elected in 2016. But Obama didn't fire Admiral Rogers. Obama fired everyone else, lol. McChrystal, Petraeus, Hastings. Obama fired hundreds of officers, admirals, generals, and the entire chain of command at Minot AFB. But he feared Admiral Rogers. He was advised to fire Rogers, but declined.

Cheney is the boss, he's the sick bastard that groomed Obama and passed him around at parties in the 70s. Depending on how safe he feels now, Obama might testify against Cheney.

Imagine if Trump called Cheney today and had a conversation: β€œSo Obama has agreed to be my running mate in 2024. I don't think he likes you, Dick. Obama says this is Carl von Clausewitz shit, my friend. Total war. He's gonna pull the whole thing down. He will topple the gleaming pillars and bring the whole fucking diseased, corrupt temple down on your head. Stay tuned. It'll be Biblical. ”

I mean, between Q, Kennedy and Obama running around all possibly being able to throw a wrench in the plan of the communists, imagine the decision paralysis that must be gripping Cheney right now.

Could you imagine the hilarity of the media being forced to spend all their air-time reporting why Obama is ineligible to be Trump's running mate?