Most link show cities / states in front
If u see your city click one link and try, create account, pick theater w zip code, pick time slot, check out with code, if first link full, state full and try next available one if there r more than one link… sample of the link after click it or copy & paste
If your city is not listed, try claim a free ticket if you can't afford it, any date anytime, not limited to J4 (service fees may be applied as some pay $1.99 and some pay $3.40)
How and where is it free? Link?
Most link show cities / states in front If u see your city click one link and try, create account, pick theater w zip code, pick time slot, check out with code, if first link full, state full and try next available one if there r more than one link… sample of the link after click it or copy & paste
If your city is not listed, try claim a free ticket if you can't afford it, any date anytime, not limited to J4 (service fees may be applied as some pay $1.99 and some pay $3.40)