If Crown truly was about to expose the Trafficker-in-Chief, as a member of JPMorgan’s board, it’s not a stretch to consider that he may had planned to also expose JPMorgan’s involvement with Jeffrey Epstein.
JPMorgan is currently involved in multiple lawsuits related to Epstein.
Yes I'm getting fed-up with it myself, what away too get yourself wacked-off and nothing ever happens.
I think these smart victims are hoping that the bad boys will self correct because nobody really wants to be a snitch. However, professional obligations to report wrongdoing probably put the victims in a tight spot. Unfortunately, we are more likely to laugh off the possibility that someone who works in our office would really whack our heads off than to accept the fact that some people are evil and would rather kill us than to face punishment for their own wrongdoings. This is war people. People die. Don't be one of them.