The WEF plan was to kill 8 Billion inhabitants of the planet. Then everyone could have an electric car. Ask the people from DEAGLE. They had projected the population of the US at less than 100 million. I wonder what happened to THE GREAT RESET? Could it be that the Q movement of information drops scuttled their plans and that soon they will pay the price for their unfathomable TREACHERY against all HUMANITY. MORE POPCORN PLEASE.
The WEF plan was to kill 8 Billion inhabitants of the planet. Then everyone could have an electric car. Ask the people from DEAGLE. They had projected the population of the US at less than 100 million. I wonder what happened to THE GREAT RESET? Could it be that the Q movement of information drops scuttled their plans and that soon they will pay the price for their unfathomable TREACHERY against all HUMANITY. MORE POPCORN PLEASE.
cobalt mines
lithium mines
battery disposal
solar cell disposal
wind blade disposal
explosive battery fires
90 minute charging on fast charge
limited driving range
grid overload
faster tire and road wear
limited life span
EVs are not a solution ---- they are a list of problems