Joe Rogan Condemns Bud Light For Putting ‘Mentally Ill… AttentionWh*re’ On A Beer Can
Joe Rogan, hosting rap icon and actor Ice Cube on “The Joe RoganExperience” on Thursday, handed down his own brutal condemnationof Anheuser Busch and Bud Light. He explained that the companymade “a big deal out of putting this person’s ‘365 days ofwomanhoo...
Going out on a limb and telling ya my hunch...they did this on purpose. They're ruining Anheuser-Busch on purpose. So I guess maybe we wait n see.
Fox created all the shows that put men down culturally and at the center of it was always alcohol. Liquid carbs that made men fat and degenerate. Married with children Bud Bundy. Simpsons Homer drank Duff. Sunday night football Budweiser commercials. Wouldn't surprise me if the WH put Malvaney to implode that company.