In America, as it is in Nature, each Individual, being the Smallest Minority, has the same Rights as any ""Group"", in Weight, Depth, Scope, height or any other way to measure it....
God gave us all the Right of Free Agency, being the Right to chose, either we serve God, or we don't, either we quench our Thirst with Water, or stay dehydrated, we Eat to satiate our hunger, or we starve, Clothing or Naked, Agree or disagree....
It is all about the choices we make, and the Contracts we enter into, and many are hidden, or lopsided, and mostly against us....
We have the Right to Govern Ourselves, either as Individuals, or as United Individuals, not a ""GROUP"", that's Socialistic, we are only Individuals, Groups do not exist in Humanity, whereas they might exist elsewhere....
These Rights, being Divinely Gifted to us, also gift us with the Duty of being and acting Responsible for our own actions, that being Individual Responsibility....
It is our own Individual Choice, our own Individual Decision....
In America, as it is in Nature, each Individual, being the Smallest Minority, has the same Rights as any ""Group"", in Weight, Depth, Scope, height or any other way to measure it....
God gave us all the Right of Free Agency, being the Right to chose, either we serve God, or we don't, either we quench our Thirst with Water, or stay dehydrated, we Eat to satiate our hunger, or we starve, Clothing or Naked, Agree or disagree....
It is all about the choices we make, and the Contracts we enter into, and many are hidden, or lopsided, and mostly against us....
We have the Right to Govern Ourselves, either as Individuals, or as United Individuals, not a ""GROUP"", that's Socialistic, we are only Individuals, Groups do not exist in Humanity, whereas they might exist elsewhere....
These Rights, being Divinely Gifted to us, also gift us with the Duty of being and acting Responsible for our own actions, that being Individual Responsibility....
It is our own Individual Choice, our own Individual Decision....