posted ago by SuqamisLostPassport ago by SuqamisLostPassport +17 / -1


Q posted the first picture on October 31, 2017

Washington crossing the Delaware.

This day was the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.

The third anniversary of Interstellar (exact median day of release week with limited release 5 days before and wide release 5 days after) (people should have figured out in 2019 that Interstellar is an important movie, and the release date is important, and the Morse code and Tesseract is important)

Month 9 day 11 of Trump’s presidency.

Trump is saying on the 500th anniversary of the Protestant reformation that he is going to kill the mercenary army ISIS just like Washington killed Hessians. The Hessian army came from what had been the Holy Roman Empire city of Frankfurt. The Rothschilds made money supplying mercenaries to the French and British empires during the revolutionary Wars of the 1700’s. Trump is saying the military is going to end the CIA Forever Wars and end the descendants of the money changers that profit off of what NoName does. John NoName created ISIS and CIA did 9-11. Trump is putting the descendants of the Frankfurt Banking Dynasty on notice that he is going to end them. The start date of Trump’s war is October 28, 2017 (First Q post)

So how does the above correspond with November 5th and 15th of this year?

November 5 is :

Exactly one year before the election

9th anniversary of the wide release of Interstellar

Day 2199 of Q operation. (2199 is the approximate year that the Matrix is set, according to Morpheus, the actual year is closer to 2199 than it is 1999).

Bonfire Night. (Think V for Vendetta)

If you add 10 days of darkness, you arrive at November 15, 2023.

November 15, 2023 is 135 Q clocks since September 11, 2001. 135 Q rotations* 60 days =8100 days since September 11

So if the military declares victory on November 15th of this year, it would be exactly 135 rotations of the Q clock (60 days = 1 rotation) since the attacks of September 11th.