"What I appreciate about Dr. Ana Mihalcea is that she is presenting a solution to cleaning your blood; this is NOT a FEAR TACTIC. She is spreading awareness and a solution. EDTA detoxification is not anything new, and it is simple. You can get the IV version by going to a clinic, or you can just apply EDTA cream topically. If you plan on doing EDTA, you have to ensure your body's motility is functioning well; that is, you have to have good elimination (coffee enemas, things to mobilize your GI system, a healthy liver, functioning kidneys). If you have a compromised detox system, I recommend a nanozeolite spray instead (Touchstone Essentials does a good one). Then there is the good old fashioned diet chelators: celery, cabbage, cilantro. These are very strong and can attach to mercury and other heavy metals in your system. Beets are great for your liver too. Apples are great--granny smith is super high in pectin, and it softens gallstones."
In the meantime I will look through my saved material...Dr. Ana Mihalcea has info on what to do...but realize our vegetables and meat are also tainted at this point...
From PandaMoon...
"What I appreciate about Dr. Ana Mihalcea is that she is presenting a solution to cleaning your blood; this is NOT a FEAR TACTIC. She is spreading awareness and a solution. EDTA detoxification is not anything new, and it is simple. You can get the IV version by going to a clinic, or you can just apply EDTA cream topically. If you plan on doing EDTA, you have to ensure your body's motility is functioning well; that is, you have to have good elimination (coffee enemas, things to mobilize your GI system, a healthy liver, functioning kidneys). If you have a compromised detox system, I recommend a nanozeolite spray instead (Touchstone Essentials does a good one). Then there is the good old fashioned diet chelators: celery, cabbage, cilantro. These are very strong and can attach to mercury and other heavy metals in your system. Beets are great for your liver too. Apples are great--granny smith is super high in pectin, and it softens gallstones."
In the meantime I will look through my saved material...Dr. Ana Mihalcea has info on what to do...but realize our vegetables and meat are also tainted at this point...