Bear in mind that a faraday bag is simple metallized polymer, very similar to mylar. Some use aluminum and some use copper mesh. These do work to convert signals to a voltage in the metal lining of the bag, however these are not perfect and simply attenuate the signals, they don't necessarily eliminate the signals. The mesh works better than the mylar type because the mesh wires run perpendicular to each other. This helps cancel out induced voltages To truly make a shielded enclosure, it has to be connected to ground to bleed the induced voltages off and prevent "retransmission" which is essentially signal being induced due to the varying electromagnetic fields. If you feel there is a likelihood that you have been targeted for some reason, get rid of your phone. Turn it off, place in a metal box with no gaps and ground the box to earth. A good box for this is a surplus military ammo can. These are great because they have a waterproof seal. If you need to have a phone, buy a prepaid diaposable cell to call people that you need to. One thing that most people today don't have is a physical phone number book. I recommend everyone write down their important contacts so that if you don't have your phone, you can still call family and friends. And for the love of all things holy, remember this website so you can let us know what is happening. There may come a time when we need to help each other out.
Bear in mind that a faraday bag is simple metallized polymer, very similar to mylar. Some use aluminum and some use copper mesh. These do work to convert signals to a voltage in the metal lining of the bag, however these are not perfect and simply attenuate the signals, they don't necessarily eliminate the signals. The mesh works better than the mylar type because the mesh wires run perpendicular to each other. This helps cancel out induced voltages To truly make a shielded enclosure, it has to be connected to ground to bleed the induced voltages off and prevent "retransmission" which is essentially signal being induced due to the varying electromagnetic fields. If you feel there is a likelihood that you have been targeted for some reason, get rid of your phone. Turn it off, place in a metal box with no gaps and ground the box to earth. A good box for this is a surplus military ammo can. These are great because they have a waterproof seal. If you need to have a phone, buy a prepaid diaposable cell to call people that you need to. One thing that most people today don't have is a physical phone number book. I recommend everyone write down their important contacts so that if you don't have your phone, you can still call family and friends. And for the love of all things holy, remember this website so you can let us know what is happening. There may come a time when we need to help each other out.