I bet most of you didn't remember we had two holidays this week which commemorated liberty over tyranny. One year ago today, the Georgia Guidestones were blow'd up by a precisely directed shape charge. Unknown to the vast majority of people, the Guidestones weren't just New Agey public art. They were the plainly stated intentions and strategy of a powerful global cult to mass murder us and blend our surviving population into an unrecognizable homogenous uni-culture of drones.
And that was just phase one of the plan.
When you recognize the plan, you then recognize the significance of both the creation and destruction of the Guidestones. As a medium, stone had been chosen to archive the cult's holy commandments not for style purposes, but because it's the only medium capable of lasting for thousands of years. All other media degrade rapidly and require its data to be repeatedly transferred to new media until the cycle fails and the data is lost forever. The cult expected the Guidestones to be guiding future Satanic priests and tyrants for many millennia.
But now the Guidestones are just shards and dust. Another win for non-psychopaths.
Concerning the commandments themselves, they were so poorly written and hokey that they could've been dismissed as cringey hippy daydreams if not for the fact its writers had the resources and unwavering commitment to genocide us and our children. If you want to see the supplemental illustrations of these holy stories they were going to read to their children at bedtime, refer to the murals in the Denver airport.
Enough commentary, here's the people's interpretation of the Georgia Guidestones, which, by the grace of God, are now pulverized into granite dust.
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Self explanatory. There are too many of you poors lugging about.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Eugenics. One-child policy. Baby curation (selection) involving abortion or euthanasia.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
This one isn't really about language, it's about culture. It's the NWO version of Russification. The greatest preserver of culture is language. They need to eliminate cultural boundaries and blend us all together with felons, goat herders, and child molesters until we stop bitterly clinging to our values, traditions, and beliefs.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
This one is a continuation of the commandment above. THEIR reasoning governs YOUR passions, your faith, your traditions. None of these tenets of culture would have grassroots origins from the people ever again. They would only be prescribed to you from the top by the elites.
I can hear Obama himself saying it: "If you like your religion, you can keep your religion!" as they take away your religion.
Would an example of passion involve the recognition of inalienable rights? lol, go back to the gulag, sucker. That kind of nationalism talk gave us the white privileged law-of-the-jungle inequality and eco destruction that necessitated Building Back Better to begin with.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Think of all the times that leftists have imposed their definition of "fair" unto innocent citizens. Like when a Soros funded DA decides it's perfectly fair that whitey got carjacked and the DA refuses to press charges. In an NWO future where we will own nothing and "LOVE IT," fairness has a new meaning much like a "just court" does.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Like all these bogus commandments that don't really mean what they say, this is supposed to give the appearance of the reasonable localization of power. But it means the opposite. It means the world government will push their laws and standards all the way down through what used to be your country, your state, and into your local government. This is how the EU currently functions.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
This is an overt advocation of global rule by authoritarian fiat rather than rule by law.
You see, laws are just petty. Laws like those protecting property rights, free speech, and all inalienable rights.
Only a god-king and his priest class are enlightened enough to provide an inspired order, just as we achieved during the divine eras of Babylon and Egypt.
And officials are just useless. Officials like state and local representatives. Useless eaters and human cattle don't need representation. They are just animals who can talk. Imagine animals having a seat at the table and making their own laws. Absurd.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
This is the same tired counterargument against God-given inalienable rights going back before Karl Marx cashed his first trust fund check. Here are some contemporary examples:
"Freedom does not mean you're free to forego mRNA vaccinations and go out in public."
"Free speech does not mean freedom to spread dangerous misinformation."
"Freedom does not mean you're free to destroy the planet for others."
"Freedom does not mean you're free to exploit the have-nots."
This template is used for every leftist destabilization argument.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Occult/Satanism nonsense. "Harmony with the infinite" is Owl Cult talk for celebrating mass euthanization. The predictive programming for this was the movie Logan's Run.
Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
More occult/Satanism/Gaia Earth worship. See, Gaia is a loving and just goddess... Until the World Government's Council on Carbon Emissions decides you and your town need to be sarin-gassed and bulldozed to restore the earthly balance to your sector on their grid.
It all makes more sense now, right? Happy Guidestone Destruction Day. Now go make some babies and buy some land to celebrate.
Wasn't there one in Australia? that got "hit by lightning" right after the guidestones were destroyed? I was hoping they'd all go then.