I usually feel like I’m very good at reading people. And Trumps response here is not from a person who “doesn’t know”….if you know what I mean. I mean if I wasn’t apart of any white hat operation or plan, my response woulda been more comical. Like a “I guess I’m Superman or something, lol right?” But Trump didn’t go there. He’s response is more of a “I can’t tell the truth here, but what we are doing is a great thing so..how is this bad?” Then followed by his response.
I feel Trump is exactly what he needs to be atm. All eyes on him. A threat. But in reality the real threat of the deepstate cabal is invisible. Trump knows what’s going on. But all this isn’t about him. He is a tool in a toolbox of tools. The white hats, I feel, are getting this done. It’s on a timetable. And Trump, in a way, is the face of this action. So good for him. I hope everything goes the way the good guys want it to. I hope our Lord Jesus is with them. Here to hoping. 🙏
I usually feel like I’m very good at reading people. And Trumps response here is not from a person who “doesn’t know”….if you know what I mean. I mean if I wasn’t apart of any white hat operation or plan, my response woulda been more comical. Like a “I guess I’m Superman or something, lol right?” But Trump didn’t go there. He’s response is more of a “I can’t tell the truth here, but what we are doing is a great thing so..how is this bad?” Then followed by his response. I feel Trump is exactly what he needs to be atm. All eyes on him. A threat. But in reality the real threat of the deepstate cabal is invisible. Trump knows what’s going on. But all this isn’t about him. He is a tool in a toolbox of tools. The white hats, I feel, are getting this done. It’s on a timetable. And Trump, in a way, is the face of this action. So good for him. I hope everything goes the way the good guys want it to. I hope our Lord Jesus is with them. Here to hoping. 🙏