I saw this post today attributed to Jack Posobiec tweeting about the Sound of Freedom movie: https://greatawakening.win/p/16bimWAo9E/this-is-unreal-jackposobiecw/c/
The irony is that Jack Posobiec, along with Alex Jones, are the biggest gatekeepers for child trafficking out there.
In the since-deleted tweet above, Jack said this:
Russiagate, Melaniagate, Pizzagate, and Tucsongate are all examples of mass hysteria, from both left and right. We've consistently called them out since 2016 and will continue to do so
He said if you believe in Pizzagate or Tucsongate, you fell for mass hysteria, i.e. you're delusional because Pizzagate never happened and the child trafficking camp in Tucson Arizona never happened.
The entire push by media regarding pizzagate back in 2016 was to change its real meaning (elites around the world trafficking and sexually abusing children and referencing them with pizza-related code terms) into a fake framing of the issue (it's not worldwide, it's only one single pizza joint in DC named Comet Pizza, where it supposedly has a basement but the basement doesn't exist).
Jack, along with Alex Jones, was a gatekeeper helping to invoke that changed meaning of pizzagate.
The "Tucsongate" he's referring to was about: Back in 2018 there was a child trafficking camp found in Tucscon Arizona with child restraints found on trees of property owned by the Cemex company.
Jack got himself in front of the story so that he could ultimately call it a hoax.
Have looked into this and can report there is no hard evidence this site in Tucson was used for child trafficking, the same as I reported there was no evidence for Comet Pizza. Appears to be another example of mass hysteria.
Here is a great, extensively sourced article on the subject: https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/10/09/child-trafficking-part-1-tucson-child-trafficking-camp/
Then there's Wayfair. We all know about how Wayfair sold rugs and other high-end items super expensive, where the items had the names of missing children (the implication was that Wayfair was being used to traffic those children).
Jack called it a Hoax: https://twitter.com/jackposobiec/status/1285339013650493441
Now the Wayfair hoax is making it harder to fight actual child trafficking
Keep in mind, when you see Jack Posobiec credited for news or linked as a news source, what a complete Mossad piece of shit pro-child-trafficking influencer and gatekeeper he is.
I remember when that tweet from poso came out.😡 Haven't liked him since. Interesting he deleted that tweet. Speaks for itself.