If you can find a Calvary Chapel church in your area, you might want to check it out. Those churches began back in the 1970s as part of the "Jesus Movement", with the recent movie depicting the start of that movement. You can never guarantee that a church won't have "hypocrits" or judgemental people, but the Calvary Chapel churches stick to Biblical teaching and seem, based on the church my wife and I started attending last year, to be full of sincere Christians who try to emulate Jesus.
If you can find a Calvary Chapel church in your area, you might want to check it out. Those churches began back in the 1970s as part of the "Jesus Movement", with the recent movie depicting the start of that movement. You can never guarantee that a church won't have "hypocrits" or judgemental people, but the Calvary Chapel churches stick to Biblical teaching and seem, based on the church my wife and I started attending last year, to be full of sincere Christians who try to emulate Jesus.