Of course these could be bullshit stories in more ways than one, but let's assume these stories are true for a moment, even if they represent 1% or less of reddit users.
Keep in mind these are people who genuinely believe that anyone who disagree with them is evil and must shut down at any cost, and generally condemn anyone for supporting an evil-right-wing-rascist-fascist-you-get-the-drill film.
Even knowing this, even with all the stories in the press, they still went to see the film.
even if it's not a huge sea-change, this indicates a shift, however small, in the overton window for at least some of these people.
If I believed or took seriously half the shit spouted by "credible" news sources, It'd take a lot for me to see a movie like this...
...There's something interesting here...
Of course these could be bullshit stories in more ways than one, but let's assume these stories are true for a moment, even if they represent 1% or less of reddit users.
Keep in mind these are people who genuinely believe that anyone who disagree with them is evil and must shut down at any cost, and generally condemn anyone for supporting an evil-right-wing-rascist-fascist-you-get-the-drill film.
Even knowing this, even with all the stories in the press, they still went to see the film.
even if it's not a huge sea-change, this indicates a shift, however small, in the overton window for at least some of these people.
If I believed or took seriously half the shit spouted by "credible" news sources, It'd take a lot for me to see a movie like this...